
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Mobile Gadget and Phone Technology - mobimibo

Mobile Gadget and Phone Technology - mobimibo

iOS 4.3.3 & iPad 2 Untethered Jailbreak (Video)

Posted: 05 Jul 2011 07:47 PM PDT

iOS 4.3.3 & iPad 2 Untethered Jailbreak

The Urban Market: A market street in your pocket with Loock

Posted: 05 Jul 2011 06:35 PM PDT

Imagine you want to sell anything in your neighborhood. Or just give piano lessons and looking for a teacher. Or want to find your son a job walking dogs or washing cars. How would do it the traditional way? Buzonearíamos in cold blood because either the neighborhood or cork would go to the bakery or the community and hang our announcement.

What if there was a way to do this from your PC or Android? What if we created a virtual cork in our neighborhood to hang our offers (sell motorcycle, I teach piano, alkyl room) or receive that interest us? (Who teaches guitar, which bars near where I have happy hour today, or even those who carpool every day to go downtown to work.) Well imagine what you are shown below and is called Loock:

This new application puts us in the palm of the hand a very powerful tool (Urban Market) access to offers and demands our immediate environment. No more cumbersome mailshot or advertising waste time hanging around the neighborhood. Welcome to the world Loock!

Here you have a video for you to understand better how this application:

Loock – The Urban Market Access from Loock on Vimeo.

This not only will place an ad, but it you can send it to people who wish the specific profile (gender, preferences, age) and most importantly, receive feedback all the people who have seen your offer or demand.

Note that this application is worldwide and works for geolocation. That is, simply move from district to receive offers from there (to get to know the best hotel bars and restaurants in towns or cities that do not know).

It also supports Web, Android and iPhone. Since the three carriers can manage all your listings or your searches.

As always we leave the download link to the Android Market. And if it is a 100% free.

In the Market | Loock (Free)

Web | Looked

Youtube+ Plus: download And Watch videos on your Android

Posted: 05 Jul 2011 06:14 PM PDT

Youtube is surely one of the best applications for Android that exist in the Android Market. Well that is developed by Google or why Youtube is one of the star of the services of Mountain View. The popularity of Youtube has gone to where the major musical stars of the moment have a sneak preview your video clips via Youtube and even the very Google has made use of its service to provide live streaming of the magnitude of events Google I / O. The application for Android is very, very polished and few things may be asked, but today we bring you version "hacked" of Youtube official application by a member of XDA including an amazing extra.

What today we bring is the Youtube official application found in the Android Market but not the same that everyone can download, but a modified by the user rolle3k XDA Developers which includes a download button at all the videos from Youtube. The application is identical to that published in the Market unless that button by Google. We are aware that there are applications for Android allow us to download videos YoutubeBut none of them do so from the application itself Youtube.

The application operation is the usual Youtube Except that when you press on the tab "more" any video, we A new option, to download. Click on download and automatically start to download the video you're viewing. Many of the videos we downloaded Youtube from our Android looking for an addition to the application of Youtube well and today I share with you.

Perhaps the only "glue" that can have "YouTube +"Is that only works on Android 2.3 +Ie Gingerbread,  So those still stuck in ye Froy or Eclairunfortunately you can not enjoy it.

The great advantage of this "YouTube +"Is that not need a third party application to download videos and we continue to enjoy the application YoutubeOne of the best in the Android Market, Download the videos directly, and all thanks to the guys XDA Developers. I leave you in a direct link to download the application and the link to the original thread XDA Developers.

Direct download link of the application: Download.

Link to original thread on XDA Developers: Here.

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