
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

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Alcohol / Addiction / Illegal Drugs News
Despite The Negative Consequences Of Drinking, Many Refuse To Change Their Behavior
A study by University of Washington psychologists shows some people continue to drink heavily because of perceived positive effects, despite experiencing negative effects such as hangovers, fights and regrettable sexual situations.
05 July 2011

Alzheimer's / Dementia News
Overlooked Peptide Reveals Clues To Causes Of Alzheimer's Disease
Researchers at the RIKEN Brain Science Institute (BSI) and their collaborators have shed light on the function of a little-studied amyloid peptide in promoting Alzheimer's disease (AD). Their surprising findings reveal that the peptide is more abundant, more neurotoxic, and exhibits a higher propensity to aggregate than amyloidogenic agents studied in earlier research, suggesting a potential role in new approaches for preventing AD-causing amyloidosis.
05 July 2011

Autism News
SSRI's And Environment Strong Autism Contributing Factors Over Genes
New research this week points to a link between the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), a type of antidepressant, and the occurrence of autism in unborn kids. Another study found that among twins, the environment plays a bigger role in the development of autism than genetics which is a game changer considering past investigation into autism cause factors.
05 July 2011
As Heritability Ebbs In Autism, Balance Tips Toward Environment
The largest and most rigorous twin study of its kind to date has found that shared environment influences susceptibility to autism more than previously thought.The study, supported by the National Institutes of Health, found that shared environmental factors - experiences and exposures common to both twin individuals - accounted for 55 percent of strict autism and 58 percent of more broadly defined autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
05 July 2011
Exposure To Antidepressants In Early Pregnancy May Increase The Risk Of Autism Spectrum Disorders
Exposure to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors antidepressants in early pregnancy may modestly increase risk of autism spectrum disorders, according to a Kaiser Permanente study published online in the current issue of Archives of General Psychiatry.
05 July 2011

Flu / Cold / SARS News
Large Study Reaffirms H1N1, Seasonal Flu Vaccine Safety
Back in spring 2009, the H1N1 influenza virus crossed the U.S. border and raised concerns that it might cause a full-scale epidemic in the fall. The Food and Drug Administration worked with other Health and Human Services agencies and vaccine manufacturers to quickly develop, license and distribute a vaccine to protect the public from this particularly virulent strain of the flu.
05 July 2011

Heart Disease News
The Greater The Satisfaction You Feel With The Components Of Everyday Life, The Greater The Protection Against Heart Disease
While depression and anxiety have long been recognised as risk factors for heart disease, there is less certainty over the beneficial effects of a 'positive' psychological state, Now, following a study of almost 8000 British civil servants, researchers say that a satisfying life is indeed good for the heart.
05 July 2011
Smokers Using Varenicline To Quit The Habit At Greater Risk Of Heart Attack Or Other Serious Heart Problems
Healthy, middle-aged smokers who take the most popular smoking cessation drug on the market have a 72 percent increased risk of being hospitalized with a heart attack or other serious heart problems compared to those taking a placebo, a Johns Hopkins-led study suggests.
05 July 2011

IT / Internet / E-mail News
News From Annals Of Internal Medicine
In Screening for Breast Cancer, One Guideline Not Appropriate for All WomenMammography Screening Increments Should be Based on Individual Risk Factors Experts disagree on the optimal screening intervals for mammography.
05 July 2011
Face Science Meets Robot Science
Your brain processes lots of tiny and subtle clues about faces whenever you interact with other people, and now scientists from Queen Mary, University of London and UCL (University College London) are investigating whether robots and computers can learn to do the same thing.
05 July 2011
Make Your Smart Phone A Wise Phone - Get The NPS Medicines List IPhone APP, Australia
If your patient loves their iPhone and regularly takes medicines then they'll also love the brand new NPS Medicines List iPhone app, now available for free from iTunes. For those caring for a relative, or those who just can't remember those long names and impossible strengths, the app will be a game changer.
05 July 2011

Pharmacy / Pharmacist News
APP Pharmaceuticals Announces Approval Of Levothyroxine Sodium For Injection
APP Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Fresenius Kabi Pharmaceuticals Holding, Inc., announced today that it has received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Levothyroxine Sodium for Injection.
05 July 2011

Sexual Health / STDs News
Much HPV Testing Completely Unnecessary According To Experts
The human papillomavirus is serious ailment that affects tens of thousands of men and women. While the majority of the nearly 200 known types of HPV cause no symptoms in most people, some types can cause warts (verrucae), while others can lead to cancers of the cervix, vulva, vagina, and anus in women or cancers of the anus and penis in men.
05 July 2011

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