
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

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Alzheimer's / Dementia News
Where We Store Well Known Tunes In The Brain Located - Right Anterior Temporal Lobe
Humans store memories of well known melodies and songs in the right anterior temporal lobe, an area of the brain, neuroscientists from Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA) reported in the journal Brain.
23 Aug 2011
Seniors With Sedentary Lifestyle And High Salt Intake Risk Greater Cognitive Decline
Elderly individuals who are physically inactive and have a high sodium intake have a higher risk of cognitive decline, compared with people of the same age who are not sedentary and consume less salt, Canadian researchers reported in the journal Neurobiology of Aging.
23 Aug 2011
Too Much Salt In Diet And Too Little Exercise Increases Risk Of Cognitive Decline In Seniors
Older adults who lead sedentary lifestyles and consume a lot of sodium in their diet may be putting themselves at risk for more than just heart disease.A study led by researchers at Baycrest in Toronto - in collaboration with colleagues at the Institut Universitaire de Geriatrie de Montreal, McGill University and the Universite de Sherbrooke - has found evidence that high-salt diets coupled with low physical activity can be detrimental to cognitive health in older adults.
23 Aug 2011
In A Major Breakthrough Researchers Discover Common Cause Of All Forms Of ALS
The underlying disease process of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS and Lou Gehrig's disease), a fatal neurodegenerative disease that paralyzes its victims, has long eluded scientists and prevented development of effective therapies.
23 Aug 2011

Arthritis / Rheumatology News
Road Block As A New Strategy For The Treatment Of Alzheimer's
Blocking a transport pathway through the brain cells offers new prospects to prevent the development of Alzheimer's. Wim Annaert and colleagues of VIB and K.U. Leuven discovered that two main agents involved in the inception of Alzheimer's disease, the amyloid beta precursor protein (APP) and the beta secretase enzyme (BACE1), follow a different path through the brain cells to meet up.
23 Aug 2011

Dentistry News
Most Naturally Variable Protein In Dental Plaque Bacterium Discovered By Chemists
Two UC San Diego chemists have discovered the most naturally variable protein known to date in a bacterium that is a key player in the formation of dental plaque.The chemists, who announced their discovery in this week's early online edition of the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, say they believe the extreme variability of the protein they discovered in the bacterium Treponema denticola evolved to adhere to the hundreds of different kinds of other bacteria that inhabit people's mouths.
23 Aug 2011
Sports Dental Injuries Are No Laughing Matter
The crunch of helmets as players tangle for a loose football, the swoosh of the net as an outside jumper is made and the crack of the bat as a guaranteed double sails into right center field are awesome sounds to sports fans but for dentists, they're reminders that a player is just one misstep away from a dental injury.
23 Aug 2011

Health Insurance / Medical Insurance News
Changing Health Care Funding In Canada Will Not Bring Down Costs
According to a report in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal), alternative funding for health care in Canada will not result in lower costs or add to financial sustainability. Recent investigations from prominent think tanks have advised such solutions as severe cuts to health care, increased taxes, private health insurance, copayments for publicly funded services in addition to other methods of raising funds.
23 Aug 2011
Small Businesses Overpay For Health Insurance
An article in the American Economic Review finds that small businesses have been over-paying for health insurance.The article "Unhealthy Insurance Markets: Search Frictions and the Cost and Quality of Health Insurance" highlights the difficulties small employers have in searching for health insurance.
23 Aug 2011

Heart Disease News
Researchers Find Marked Increase In Infection Rates In Patients With Pacemakers And Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators
New research from the Jefferson Heart Institute shows that patients in the United States who receive cardiac electrophysiological devices (CIEDs), including permanent pacemakers and implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) are now at greater risk of contracting an infection over the life span of the device.
23 Aug 2011
Fat Signals Lipid Cleaving Enzyme Produces Signaling Molecule Essential In Lipid Metabolism
Obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases are daunting modern-day epidemics. In Western Europe more than 50% of the population is overweight and approximately 15 million people die from cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and stroke every year.
23 Aug 2011

Mental Health News
More Accurate Suicide Reporting By Death Investigators Due To Insulation From Public Pressure
Medical examiners and appointed coroners are less likely to underreport suicides than are elected coroners, that's according to a new study from Temple University.Many of us view suicide as an intensely private and personal act and commonly seek to explain it by focusing on the mental and emotional health of the individual.
23 Aug 2011

Pharmacy / Pharmacist News
Sugars Discovery Could Speed Drug Development
The surface of cells and many biologically active molecules are studded with sugar structures that are not used to store energy, but rather are involved in communication, immunity and inflammation.
23 Aug 2011
Deadly Medication? Scientists Shed Light On The Dark Secret Of Queen Hatshepsut's Flacon
The corpus delicti is a plain flacon from among the possessions of Pharaoh Hatshepsut, who lived around 1450 B.C., which is on exhibit in the permanent collection of the Egyptian Museum of the University of Bonn.
23 Aug 2011

Seniors / Aging News
Seniors With Sedentary Lifestyle And High Salt Intake Risk Greater Cognitive Decline
Elderly individuals who are physically inactive and have a high sodium intake have a higher risk of cognitive decline, compared with people of the same age who are not sedentary and consume less salt, Canadian researchers reported in the journal Neurobiology of Aging.
23 Aug 2011
Too Much Salt In Diet And Too Little Exercise Increases Risk Of Cognitive Decline In Seniors
Older adults who lead sedentary lifestyles and consume a lot of sodium in their diet may be putting themselves at risk for more than just heart disease.A study led by researchers at Baycrest in Toronto - in collaboration with colleagues at the Institut Universitaire de Geriatrie de Montreal, McGill University and the Universite de Sherbrooke - has found evidence that high-salt diets coupled with low physical activity can be detrimental to cognitive health in older adults.
23 Aug 2011

Sexual Health / STDs News
Bisexual Men Are Aroused By Both Sexes: Scientific U-Turn On Bisexuality
In what has been described as a scientific U-turn, new research from Northwestern University in the US concludes that bisexuality exists, after it found men who described themselves as bisexual were genitally and subjectively aroused by watching both films of men having sex with men and of women having sex with women, while the homosexual and heterosexual male participants were not.
23 Aug 2011

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