
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Why are you ignoring this traffic source?


There's this guy I know, someone I've hung out with a few
times in San Diego, and he asked me if I'd help spread the
word about the free software he's giving away...

It's pretty awesome... and the software he's giving away is
bringing him $1,400+ per day by tapping into traffic that
most people simply ignore.

There's tons of it too...


I'm not sure why he's doing it exactly, but I know he's the
real deal... and that he's making a killing as an affiliate in
all kinds of niches using it.

If you want your copy, you can get it here:


Thanks & Good Luck,
Gary Ambrose

P.S. Unlike Google, Facebook, YouTube, and just about all
the other "typical" traffic sources out there... affiliates are
welcome here. And, the traffic is super easy to get too!



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