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Alzheimer's / Dementia News | |
Life Extension® Announces Recruitment For Alzheimer's Clinical Trial In South Florida Life Extension, a pioneer in the latest anti-aging research and integrative health therapies, while offering superior quality, research-backed dietary supplements, is actively recruiting participants for a free clinical trial to study the effects of natural supplements and an innovative medical therapy on Alzheimer's disease. | 27 Aug 2011 |
Heart Disease News | |
Genetics Key Factor In Coronary Heart Disease, Not Lifestyle The fact that hereditary factors play a role in coronary heart disease has long been known, but whether the increased risk is genetic or due to an unhealthy family environment has not been established so far. | 27 Aug 2011 |
Lower Income Individuals Have 50% Higher Risk Of Heart Disease According to a recent UC Davis study published online in BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, people with lower socioeconomic status are at greater risk of developing heart disease compared to those who are wealthier or better educated. | 27 Aug 2011 |
Boehringer Ingelheim To Launch RE-ALIGN™ Trial To Evaluate Dabigatran Etexilate In Patients With Mechanical Heart Valves Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (BIPI) announced plans to launch RE-ALIGN™, a global, Phase II trial evaluating the safety and pharmacokinetics of dabigatran etexilate in 400 patients who have mechanical heart valves. | 27 Aug 2011 |
Atherosclerosis Is Not Limited To The Heart For cardiologists, coronary artery disease is the most important presentation of atherosclerosis. Patients with coronary artery disease may also have symptomatic or asymptomatic atherosclerosis in other vascular areas (peripheral artery disease). | 27 Aug 2011 |
The Number Of Patients With Cardiac Problems During Pregnancy Is Increasing New ESC guidelines emphasise the importance of screening and risk assessment. Pre-existing heart disease is rarely a contraindication to pregnancy - indeed, many women with heart disorders tolerate pregnancy well - but it remains a "major concern" that complications are frequent and in some cases may be life-threatening for both the mother and her child. | 27 Aug 2011 |
ESC Launches Upgraded Risk Measurement Tool For Heart Attacks And Strokes The number of heart attack and stroke incidents in Europe is likely to reduce with the imminent launch of an update to the HeartScore® application. HeartScore® was first developed by the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) in 2004, and it helps clinicians rapidly estimate the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in individual patients using age, gender, basic health indicators, and lifestyle factors. | 27 Aug 2011 |
Pharmacy / Pharmacist News | |
Seroquel XL Found In Nurofen Plus Packets, UK People in the UK have been warned to be extra careful when purchasing Nurofen Plus packets, because some of them were found to have Seroquel XL 50mg in them, an anti-psychotic medication. Nurofen is a Reckitt Benckiser brand of pain-relieving drugs, mainly sold in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and other parts of Europe. | 27 Aug 2011 |
Seniors / Aging News | |
Successful Aging And Sexual Satisfaction Linked In Women Aged 60 To 89 A study by researchers at the Stein Institute for Research on Aging at the University of California, San Diego finds that successful aging and positive quality of life indicators correlate with sexual satisfaction in older women. | 27 Aug 2011 |
Sexual Health / STDs News | |
Successful Aging And Sexual Satisfaction Linked In Women Aged 60 To 89 A study by researchers at the Stein Institute for Research on Aging at the University of California, San Diego finds that successful aging and positive quality of life indicators correlate with sexual satisfaction in older women. | 27 Aug 2011 |
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