
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Medical News Today News Alert

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Alcohol / Addiction / Illegal Drugs News
Deputy US Attorney Warns Medical Marijuana Sellers And Distributors
James Cole, Deputy US Attorney general, sent a memorandum aimed at clarifying federal policy regarding medical marijuana. Citing marijuana as a "dangerous drug", his memo made clear the possibility of enforcement action against anybody in the business of growing, selling or distributing marijuana, as well as individuals who knowingly make those activities possible - the message was clear that state and local officials would not be excluded from such enforcement action.
03 July 2011
Dentists' Role In Painkiller Abuse Examined
In the cover article of this month's Journal of the American Dental Association, a group of nine dentists, pharmacists, and addiction experts provides new research and recommendations to help dentists combat, rather than contribute to, abuse of addictive painkillers.
03 July 2011

Alzheimer's / Dementia News
Fluorescent Fish Could Hold The Key To Understanding Diabetes And Other Diseases
Scientists from Queen Mary, University of London have discovered a new way of detecting zinc in zebra fish, that could pave the way for furthering our understanding of diseases like type 2 diabetes, prostate cancer and Alzheimer's.
03 July 2011

Heart Disease News
Wrestler Randy Savage Died Of Heart Disease And Not Car Crash Injuries
The Medical Examiner's Office revealed that an autopsy on "Macho Man" Sandy Savage, 58, showed he had died of heart disease, rather than injuries from a car crash near his home in Seminole, Florida on May 20th, 2011.
03 July 2011

IT / Internet / E-mail News
Motivational Text Messaging Doubles Chances Of Staying Off Cigarettes
Sending motivational mobile phone texts to people who were trying to give up smoking was found to double their chances of still being non-smokers six months later, compared to others who received placebo texts, researchers from the London school of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK, revealed in the medical journal The Lancet.
03 July 2011
Embedding Decision Support Tools Into The Workflow Improves Radiologists' Use Of Clinical Decision Support Systems
Integration with a picture archiving and communication system (PACS) improves radiologists' use of clinical decision support tools, according to a study in the July issue of the Journal of the American College of Radiology.
03 July 2011
11.7% Medication Error Rate In E-Prescribing
The chances of mistakes occurring in prescriptions sent electronically are no lower than in those written out by hand, a researcher from Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston wrote in the Journal of American Medical Information Association.
03 July 2011
Multiple Mutations Help Organisms To Succeed
Evolutionary adaptation is often compared to climbing a hill, and organisms making the right combination of multiple mutations - both good and bad - can become the king of the mountain.A new study published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of London by BEACON researchers at Michigan State University suggests that the combined effect of multiple mutations working together can speed up this process.
03 July 2011

Pharmacy / Pharmacist News
Dentists' Role In Painkiller Abuse Examined
In the cover article of this month's Journal of the American Dental Association, a group of nine dentists, pharmacists, and addiction experts provides new research and recommendations to help dentists combat, rather than contribute to, abuse of addictive painkillers.
03 July 2011

Seniors / Aging News
Study Suggests Sport Performance Peaks From 20 To 30 Years Of Age, Then Declines Irreversibly
Geoffroy Berthelot and Stephane Len, both researchers at the IRMES (Institut de Recherche bioMedicale et d'Epidemiologie du Sport at INSEP, Paris, France), have published their findings in AGE, the official journal of the American Aging Association, describing the evolution of performances in elite athletes and chess grandmasters.
03 July 2011

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