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Alcohol / Addiction / Illegal Drugs News
Study Identifies 'respectable Addicts' Experiencing Range Of Problems With Over-the-counter Medicines
A report of a study investigating over the counter medicine (OTC) abuse published by the Pharmacy Practice Research Trust provides evidence that there is a group of individuals experiencing a range of problems often with codeine-based medicines purchased from pharmacies, and for whom help and support varied.
06 Sept 2011
Arthritis / Rheumatology News
Chondroitin Sulphate Effective Treatment For Patients With Osteoarthritis
Chondroitin sulfate has been revealed in a new investigation to considerably reduce pain, improve hand function, enhance grip strength and relieve morning stiffness for individuals with osteoarthritis (OA) of the hand, in comparison with patients in the placebo group.
06 Sept 2011
Flu / Cold / SARS News
FAO Warnings Follow Rise In Replikins Count For Both H5N1 And Swine Flu (H1N1); Replikins Synthetic TransFlu™ Vaccine Tested
The possible combination of influenza strains H1N1 (high infectivity) and H5N1 (high lethality) is a matter of global concern (1, 2). Bioradar UK Ltd announced (3) first, that the Replikin Counts of the two virus strains have risen simultaneously, not seen previously.
06 Sept 2011
Pa. Department Of Health, CDC Advise Public Of Novel Influenza Case
The Pennsylvania Department of Health is advising the public of an investigation into a human case of novel influenza A virus in Pennsylvania and is urging the public to take everyday precautions to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses.
06 Sept 2011
Heart Disease News
Mesoblast Receives Clearance To Begin First European Trial Of Allogeneic Or 'Off-The-Shelf' Stem Cell Treatment For Heart Attacks
Global regenerative medicine company, Mesoblast Limited, (ASX: MSB), announced that it had received clearance from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to begin a 225-patient multi-center Phase 2 clinical trial in Europe for its lead cardiovascular product Revascor(TM) in conjunction with angioplasty and stent procedures to prevent heart failure after a major heart attack.
06 Sept 2011
AHA Gives Loyola $195,000, Bringing Lifetime Total To $10.1 Million
The American Heart Association has awarded the Cardiovascular Institute of Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine $194,772 for cardiac research in 2011, bringing the lifetime total awarded to Loyola to $10.
06 Sept 2011
IT / Internet / E-mail News
Technology-Enhanced Simulations For Training Of Health Care Professionals Improves Skills And Patient Results
The use of Technology Simulations, such as computer-based virtual reality models, high-fidelity and static mannequins, plastic models, live animals, inert animal products, and human cadavers is shown to assist health care professionals in improving their knowledge and skill, as well as increasing the patients' results.
06 Sept 2011
Made From A Single Molecule: The World's Smallest Electric Motor
Chemists at Tufts University's School of Arts and Sciences have developed the world's first single molecule electric motor, a development that may potentially create a new class of devices that could be used in applications ranging from medicine to engineering.
06 Sept 2011
Medical Students And Simulation Training In Obstetric Clerkship
Medical students who practiced on a patient simulator before assisting in real-life vaginal deliveries scored significantly higher on their final examinations than did students receiving a lecture only at the start of an obstetric clerkship.
06 Sept 2011
Mental Health News
CDC Says Mental Illness Plagues US Like Never Before
Mental illness is a real issue. Now the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have taken a harder look at the issue and have uncovered some alarming realities. About half of Americans will experience some form of mental health problem at some point in their life, and more must be done to help them.
06 Sept 2011
Pharmacy / Pharmacist News
Study Identifies 'respectable Addicts' Experiencing Range Of Problems With Over-the-counter Medicines
A report of a study investigating over the counter medicine (OTC) abuse published by the Pharmacy Practice Research Trust provides evidence that there is a group of individuals experiencing a range of problems often with codeine-based medicines purchased from pharmacies, and for whom help and support varied.
06 Sept 2011
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