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Alcohol / Addiction / Illegal Drugs News
Alcohol Dulls Brain 'Alarm' That Monitors Mistakes, MU Study Finds
Most people have witnessed otherwise intelligent people doing embarrassing or stupid things when they are intoxicated, but what specifically happens in the brain to cause such drunken actions? A new study testing alcohol's effects on brain activity from the University of Missouri says that alcohol dulls the brain "signal" that warns people when they are making a mistake, ultimately reducing self control.
04 Sept 2011
Alzheimer's / Dementia News
Alzheimer Brain Destroyed By Too Many Blood Vessels
Researchers at the University of British Columbia may have discovered that a profusion of blood vessels may explain how Alzheimer's disease destroys the brain. Although previous Alzheimer's research concentrated mainly on the death of cells in the walls of blood vessels or in brain tissue, a new study led by Professor Wilfred Jefferies in UBC's Michael Smith Laboratories revealed that the neurodegenerative disease might possibly be caused by the propagation of cells in blood vessel walls.
04 Sept 2011
Alzheimer's Brains Found To Have Lower Levels Of Key Protein
Researchers have found that a protein variation linked by some genetic studies to Alzheimer's disease is consistently present in the brains of people with Alzheimer's. In further biochemical and cell culture investigations, they have shown that this protein, known as ubiquilin-1, performs a critical Alzheimer's-related function: it "chaperones" the formation of amyloid precursor protein, a molecule whose malformation has been directly tied to Alzheimer's pathology.
04 Sept 2011
Arthritis / Rheumatology News
Potential For Halting And Preventing Arthritis, MIT Study
More than 10% of the 27 million Americans who suffer from arthritis have the disease due to injury, that irritates and degrades the cartilage, causing a steady deterioration of joints, most often in the knee.
04 Sept 2011
Seniors / Aging News
Undetectable Blockages In Brain Blood Vessels Linked To Signs Of Aging
Blockages in tiny blood vessels in the brain that can't be detected with modern technology could be responsible for many of the "parkinsonian" signs of aging, such as stooped posture, difficulty balancing, slowed walking and shaky hands, according to a study from Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, USA, reported online in the 1 September issue of Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association.
04 Sept 2011
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