
Sunday, August 28, 2011

please tell me you didn't do this too...


I've keep seeing stuff like this in my inbox...

"Gary, I watched the first 10 seconds, and then I had to close
the video. It's the same crap the scammers send me. It had a
stupid flashy intro, an expensive rented car, and a fake guru
in a horrible pink shirt."

And my response is...

Please tell me you didn't do that too!

Please tell me you didn't close it that fast. You should have
given it just 10 more seconds...

Just 10 more seconds!

If you didn't see the weirdo in the pink shirt get put in his
place... you didn't see enough.

You're going to love what happens next... ;)

Thanks & Good Luck,
Gary Ambrose

P.S. This video was made for you if you've been scammed
by one of the fake gurus out there... just wait for it, there
is a payoff in it for you. ;)


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