
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Medical News Today News Alert

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Alcohol / Addiction / Illegal Drugs News
Networking Site Usage By Teens Linked To Higher Smoking, Drinking And Drug Consumption, USA
Teenagers in the USA who regularly use networking web sites are more likely to smoke, drink alcohol and use drugs, says a survey carried out by CASA Columbia (The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University), titled the National Survey of American Attitudes on Substance Abuse XVI: Teens and Parents.
25 Aug 2011
Substance Abuse Linked To Vulnerability To Depression
It is well established that a mood disorder can increase an individual's risk for substance abuse, but there is also evidence that the converse is true; substance abuse can increase a person's vulnerability to stress-related illnesses.
25 Aug 2011

Alzheimer's / Dementia News
Discovery Of Altered Cerebella In Those With Down Syndrome Accounts For Poor Motor Skills, Coordination
A scientist investigating why those with Down syndrome often have poor balance and motor coordination has found that key eye reflexes are substantially altered.The findings by University of Colorado School of Medicine researcher Alberto Costa, MD, Ph.
25 Aug 2011
Brain Scan Detects Alzheimer's Disease Risk In Healthy Individuals
Biochemical changes in the brains of healthy individuals can be identified by an imaging technique - proton MR spectroscopy - indicating whether they may be at risk for Alzheimer's disease, researchers from the Mayo Clinic reported in the journal Neurology.
25 Aug 2011
Mayo Clinic Physician To Head HHS Council On Alzheimer's Disease
Ronald Petersen, M.D., Cadieux Director of the Mayo Alzheimer's Disease Research Center and the Mayo Clinic Study of Aging, was selected to chair the Advisory Council on Alzheimer's Research, Care, and Services.
25 Aug 2011
Lady Vols' Coaching Legend Pat Summit Moves Into World Of Dementia
Dementia is all too often a part of getting older. In fact more than fifty percent of people over the age of 85 are negotiating with the disease. Pat Summit, the 59 year old legend of a coach and one of the most winning coaches in all of sport has made public her battle with early onset dementia as she prepares to keep pushing and continue to coach the Lady Vols.
25 Aug 2011

Arthritis / Rheumatology News
New Gene Linked To Osteoarthritis Found, Making It The Third
Today investigators have revealed a new gene making it only the third to be identified for this painful and debilitating disease connected with osteoarthritis. The disease affects over 40% of people aged 70 years and over.
25 Aug 2011
Physical Activity Goals Can Greatly Benefit Lives Of RA Patients
According to an investigation now available in Arthritis Care and Research, a journal of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), investigators from The Netherlands report physical activity goals are more likely to be achieved if the patient with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has a higher level of self-efficacy for physical activity.
25 Aug 2011

Flu / Cold / SARS News
Pandemic Could Quickly Overwhelm Children's Hospitals
A new study of children's hospitals nationwide has found them underequipped to handle a major surge of patients in the event of a pandemic, and urges health care institutions and government agencies to immediately review emergency preparedness plans as flu season approaches.
25 Aug 2011

Headache / Migraine News
Cluster Headache - It's Nice When It Stops
Cluster headache has a substantial detrimental effect on quality of life. New invasive procedures, such as hypothalamic deep brain stimulation and bilateral occipital nerve stimulation, may help patients with chronic refractory headache.
25 Aug 2011

Heart Disease News
Under-Nutrition During Childhood Leads To Greater Risk Of Heart Disease In Later Life
A study published online today in the European Heart Journal research showed the first concrete evidence that acute under-nutrition during the time that children grow up can have a significant impact on their future health.
25 Aug 2011
Leader In Cardiac Imaging Joins Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute
James K. Min, MD, an expert in non-invasive cardiac imaging, has joined the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute as Director of Cardiac Imaging Research and Co-Director of Cardiac Imaging.Min comes to Cedars-Sinai from the Weill Cornell Medical College and the New York Presbyterian Hospital in New York City, where he served as the Director of Cardiac Computed Tomography.
25 Aug 2011
Heart Catheterization Performed Through The Wrist Can Result In Fewer Complications
Each year, more than one million cardiac catheterizations are performed in the United States, and most of these procedures are performed through the groin to access the arteries that provide blood supply to the heart.
25 Aug 2011

IT / Internet / E-mail News
Apple's Steve Jobs' Resignation, His Medical History, And His Amazing Achievements
Steve Jobs, who was on sick leave with an undisclosed illness since the beginning of this year, announced his resignation as technology giant Apple's chief executive. He will be replaced by Tim Cook, the company's chief operating officer.
25 Aug 2011
Portable Electronics Powered By Human Gait
If the vision of Tom Krupenkin and J. Ashley Taylor comes to fruition, one day soon your cellphone - or just about any other portable electronic device - could be powered by simply taking a walk.
25 Aug 2011

Seniors / Aging News
Anti-aging Techniques Not Yet Viewed As Acceptable According To U Of T Research
Studies from the University of Toronto's psychology department show that people who use more invasive anti-aging methods such as Botox injections or surgery are viewed more negatively than those who use milder techniques such as sun-avoidance and facial creams and younger adults are more negative about using anti-aging methods than older adults.
25 Aug 2011
Decision Making Changes With Age
We make decisions all our lives - so you'd think we'd get better and better at it. Yet research has shown that younger adults are better decision makers than older ones. Some Texas psychologists, puzzled by these findings, suspected the experiments were biased toward younger brains.
25 Aug 2011

Sexual Health / STDs News
Erectile Dysfunction And Inability To Orgasm
For men with erectile dysfunction (ED), 65 percent are unable to have an orgasm and 58 percent have problems with ejaculation, according to new research led by physician-scientists at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center.
25 Aug 2011
Sexist Men And Women - Made For Each Other
Men with a preference for 'one-night stands' and negative sexist attitudes towards women are more likely to use aggressive courtship strategies. They compete with other men who are also interested in the woman, tease the woman, and isolate her away from her friends.
25 Aug 2011

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