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Alzheimer's / Dementia News | |
UBC Researchers Find A New Culprit In Alzheimer's Disease: Too Many Blood Vessels University of British Columbia scientists may have uncovered a new explanation for how Alzheimer's disease destroys the brain - a profusion of blood vessels.While the death of cells, whether they are in the walls of blood vessels or in brain tissue, has been a major focus of Alzheimer's disease research, a team led by Wilfred Jefferies, a professor in UBC's Michael Smith Laboratories, has shown that the neurodegenerative disease might in fact be caused by the propagation of cells in blood vessel walls. | 02 Sept 2011 |
Dentistry News | |
Tooth Loss Three Times More Likely In Patients With Severe Mental Illness Published in the September issue of the British Journal of Psychiatry, investigators from the University of Queensland have discovered compared to the general population, that individuals with severe mental illnesses are over three times more likely to lose their teeth due to poor oral health. | 02 Sept 2011 |
IT / Internet / E-mail News | |
Computer-Based Simulations Solve Decades-Old Mystery Of Failed Anti-Arrhythmia Therapy UC Davis researchers have developed an accurate computer model to test the effects of medications for arrhythmia, or abnormal heart rhythm, before they are used in patients.The new tool -- described in the Aug. | 02 Sept 2011 |
Mental Health News | |
Tooth Loss Three Times More Likely In Patients With Severe Mental Illness Published in the September issue of the British Journal of Psychiatry, investigators from the University of Queensland have discovered compared to the general population, that individuals with severe mental illnesses are over three times more likely to lose their teeth due to poor oral health. | 02 Sept 2011 |
Seniors / Aging News | |
Stanford Scientists Discover Blood Factors That Appear To Cause Aging In Brains Of Mice In a study published Sept. 1 in Nature, Stanford University School of Medicine scientists have found substances in the blood of old mice that makes young brains act older. These substances, whose levels rise with increasing age, appear to inhibit the brain's ability to produce new nerve cells critical to memory and learning. | 02 Sept 2011 |
Researchers Share Discoveries About Aging-Related Changes In Health And Cognition Critical life course events and experiences - in both youth and middle adulthood - may contribute to health and cognition in later life, according to a new supplemental issue of the Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. | 02 Sept 2011 |
Sexual Health / STDs News | |
Snip Snip? STD Preventing Circumcisions Way Down Says CDC Circumcision rates have gone way down. Researchers found that the procedure is somewhat less common today than it was 10 years ago. The report was written in light of research that proves circumcision greatly reduces the risk of contracting HIV and numerous other STDs during penile-vaginal sex. | 02 Sept 2011 |
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