
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Medical News Today News Alert

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Alcohol / Addiction / Illegal Drugs News
Alcohol Sales In Scotland At An All-Time High, This Is Bad News For The NHS, Warns BMA
Following reports by Health Scotland that alcohol sales in the country had reached an all-time high, surpassing England and Wales in volume sales, tough action to deal with the cost of alcohol in Scotland was called for yesterday by doctors leaders.
01 Sept 2011
Craving For Sugar And Drugs Increased By Faulty Signaling In Brain
"Our data indicate that the brain becomes hypersensitive to rewards when this co-signaling of glutamate and dopamine does not function. Lower doses than normal are enough to increase the propensity to ingest the substance, and this is true of both sugar and cocaine," says Asa Mackenzie, associate professor of neuroscience at Uppsala University and the researcher who led the study.
01 Sept 2011
Testing For 'Legal Marijuana,' 'Bath Salts' And Other Emerging Designer Drugs
Scientists have reported development of much needed new tests to help cope with a wave of deaths, emergency room visits and other problems from a new genre of designer drugs sold legally in stores and online that mimic the effects of cocaine, ecstasy and marijuana.
01 Sept 2011

Arthritis / Rheumatology News
Sjogren's Syndrome: How Did It Affect Venus Williams' Performance?
Venus Williams, sister of tennis champion Serena and a seven-time major champion and two-time US Open titlist herself, has played 11 matches on the women's tour this year.However, as the tennis world focuses its attention to the United States and the US Open in New York, Williams has again had to withdraw from competition due to a somewhat rare autoimmune disorder called Sjogren's syndrome.
01 Sept 2011

Autism News
Mistaken Fear Of Measles Shot Has 'Devastating' Effect'
More than 150 cases of measles have been reported in the United States already this year and there have been similar outbreaks in Europe, a sign the disease is making an alarming comeback. The reappearance of the potentially deadly virus is the result of unfounded fears about a link between the measles shot and autism that have turned some parents against childhood vaccination, says Gregory Poland, M.
01 Sept 2011

Dentistry News
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Can Help Treat Patients With Dental Phobia
According to a study published in the latest issue of the British Dental Journal (BDJ), a single session of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) could help individuals who suffer from severe dental phobia to overcome their anxieties.
01 Sept 2011

Heart Disease News
Cardiac Disease: Coronary Or Not?
Acute myocardial Infarction (AMI) is a major cause of death and disability. Worldwide, one in eight patients die of an ischemic heart disease. Its rapid and accurate diagnosis is critical for the initiation of effective evidence based medical management, including early revascularization, but is still an unmet clinical need.
01 Sept 2011
Patients With Coronary Artery Disease More Likely To Have Complications From Orthopedic Surgery
Thrombotic (clotting) and bleeding events are complications that may occur after surgery. With the aging population in the western world, there are more patients undergoing orthopedic surgery than ever before.
01 Sept 2011
Although Evidence In The Field Of CVD In Pregnancy Is Sparse, The Condition Remains A Concern
Pre-existing heart disease in pregnancy remains a concern. Complications are frequent and in some cases may be life-threatening for both the mother and her child. In Europe maternal heart disease has now become the major cause of maternal death during pregnancy.
01 Sept 2011

IT / Internet / E-mail News
Federal Investment In Electronic Health Records Likely To Reap Returns In Quality Of Care
Research published today in the New England Journal of Medicine gives cause for optimism that federal investments in electronic health records (EHRs) could reap major benefits in better patient care and health outcomes.
01 Sept 2011
Social Media Found To Be A Valuable Tool To Recruit Study Participants For Rare Diseases
Mayo Clinic has identified a new benefit of social media and online networking: a novel way to study rare diseases. Through patient-run websites dedicated to heart conditions and women's heart health, a team of cardiologists led by Sharonne Hayes, M.
01 Sept 2011
During Disasters, Mobile Phone Data Help Track Populations
Mobile phone positioning data can be used to monitor population movements during disasters and outbreaks, according to a study published in this week's PLoS Medicine. The study, conducted by Linus Bengtsson and colleagues from the Karolinska Institute, Sweden and Columbia University, USA, finds that reports on the location of populations affected and in need of assistance can be generated within hours of receiving data.
01 Sept 2011

Mental Health News
Partner Violence Impacts Mental Health Of Over Half-Million Californians
Victims who suffer violence at the hands of a spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend, or other intimate partner aren't only brutalized physically; they also suffer disproportionately higher rates of mental health distress, according to a new policy brief from the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research.
01 Sept 2011
Children's Social Goals Help Determine Their Response To Bullying
Second and third graders who are bullied react in a variety of ways - from discussing the problem or striking back to seeking emotional support. A new study in the journal Child Development has found that the types of goals children set in their relationships help determine how they respond to being bullied - and whether they choose responses that are effective.
01 Sept 2011

Seniors / Aging News
Cell's Reserve Fighting Force Shrinks With Age
When the body fights oxidative damage, it calls up a reservist enzyme that protects cells - but only if those cells are relatively young, a study has found.Biologists at USC discovered major declines in the availability of an enzyme, known as the Lon protease, as human cells grow older.
01 Sept 2011

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